Migration part 1 - pull and push

Push and Pull Factors in Migration
Push factors are conditions that drive people to leave their homes, such as economic hardship, conflict, or natural disasters. Pull factors are conditions that attract people to a new area, such as better job opportunities, safety, and higher living standards.
Example: A person might migrate from a war-torn country (push factor) to a country with a stable economy and peaceful environment (pull factor).
4 migration stories
Escape from Saigon's Turmoil
In 1975, as Saigon fell to the communist forces, my family made a desperate decision to flee Vietnam. My father, a former officer in the South Vietnamese Army, feared for our lives under the new regime. We chose Thailand because it was relatively close and had a growing Vietnamese refugee community. We sold whatever we could carry and boarded a rickety fishing boat, headed for the Gulf of Thailand. The journey was perilous, with the threat of pirates and storms. Many nights, we huddled together, praying we’d see land soon. When we finally reached the Thai shore, we were exhausted but thankful to have escaped the chaos and potential persecution.
Seeking Economic Stability
The late 1970s in Vietnam were marked by economic hardship. My family, like many others, struggled to make ends meet. The government’s collectivization policies had failed, and food was scarce. My older brother had heard stories of better opportunities in Thailand, where the economy was more stable. We decided to take a chance. We secretly crossed the border into Cambodia, making our way to the Thai border. With forged documents and the help of a sympathetic truck driver, we managed to cross into Thailand. We hoped for a fresh start and the chance to rebuild our lives away from the economic despair of Vietnam.
Religious Persecution Escape
As a practicing Catholic in post-war Vietnam, life became increasingly difficult. The new regime viewed religious institutions with suspicion, and my family faced harassment. In 1978, we decided to leave for Thailand, where religious freedoms were more respected. We joined a group of fellow Catholics who had arranged for a clandestine journey through Laos. The trip was fraught with danger, from navigating dense jungles to avoiding patrols. After weeks of travel, we finally reached the Mekong River, crossing it at night into Thailand. It was a treacherous journey, but the hope of practicing our faith freely kept us going.
Fleeing Political Repression
As an outspoken critic of the communist regime, I knew my time in Vietnam was limited. In 1979, after a close friend was arrested for anti-government activities, I decided to leave. Thailand was a logical choice due to its political stability compared to neighboring countries. With the help of underground networks, I made my way through the dense forests of Cambodia. The journey was harrowing, with the constant threat of being captured. I reached the Thai border after weeks of travel, exhausted but relieved. Thailand represented a haven where I could continue my activism without the constant fear of imprisonment.
Read the text and answer the questions.
A closer look
Reflect: Would you leave your home?
After learning about push and pull factors in more detail. What do you think weighs heavier? Push or pull factors. Collect arguments for both sides.
Debate Push & Pull factors
Push factors are more significant because... |
Pull factors are more significant because... |
Sample arguments for push factors
Sample arguments for pull factors
Learn about the push and pull factors that make people move from their country to another.