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Created with the topic: introduction to Character analysis

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Topic of the lesson: Introduction to Character Analysis
Age of Students: 14-15
Time Frame: 90 minutes
Focus: Understanding and Analysing Literary Characters


Students will understand what character analysis entails.
Students will learn to identify and analyse different types of characters (protagonists, antagonists, side characters, etc.) in literary works.
Students will practice applying character analysis techniques to understand complex character motivations, changes, and relationships.
Students will develop critical thinking skills and learn to appreciate the richness and complexity of literary characters.


Phase Time Content Activity Type
Introduction 15 min Introduction to character analysis through a Character Analysis Guess-Who game where students try to guess literary characters based on traits read out loud. Whole class activity
Elaboration 30 min Form small groups and assign each group a short story. Each group's task is to identify the main characters and outline their key characteristics, motivations, changes, and relationships with other characters. Group work with individual focus areas
Activity 30 min Each group presents their findings to the class through a fun skit that showcases the characters and their interactions. Group presentations
Consolidation 10 min Reflection: Students share what they've learned about character analysis and its value in understanding and appreciating literature. Discussion and review of the key insights from the group presentations. Whole class discussion
Homework Application: Students select a character from a book they are currently reading and construct a detailed character analysis report. Individual work; documenting work results in writing


  • Formative Assessment: Assess students' understanding through their participation in the Guess-Who game, group discussions, and skits.
  • Summative Assessment: Assess the character analysis reports submitted as homework. This should reflect the student's grasp of character analysis concepts and their ability to apply these to literary works.
  • Rubrics: Will grade on grasp of character analysis concepts, clarity and depth in completing the character analysis report, creativity in the presentations, and contributions to class discussions.


  • Introduction

    Introduction to Character Analysis What is Character Analysis? Character analysis is a critical examination of the characters in a narrative. Understanding the characters, their traits, motivations, and growth throughout a story can provide deeper insights into the work's themes and messages. Analyzing characters helps us connect with and understand the story on a more profound level. Why is Character Analysis Important? Character analysis allows us to explore the psychological makeup of a character and the role they play in the story. It enriches our reading experience and enhances our critical thinking skills. By understanding a character’s behavior and their interactions with other characters, we can better grasp the author’s intentions and the story's significance. Common Traits in Character Analysis: Physical Appearance Personality Background Motivations Relationships Development throughout the story Guess-Who Game Instructions: Read each character trait description provided below. Use your knowledge of literature to guess the character being described. Write your guess in the blank space next to each description. After guessing, we will discuss as a class to reveal the correct characters. Guess-Who Game: Character Trait Descriptions Known for their unmatched intellect and use of logic to solve complex problems, this character is often found wearing a detective hat. _ This character has a great sense of humor and loyalty but is sometimes overshadowed by their more famous best friend. _ This individual faced the dark reality of dystopia, has a symbolic connection to birds, and sparked a massive rebellion. _ They live in a whimsical world down a rabbit hole, constantly curious and often late for important dates. _ This young wizard is famous for his lightning-shaped scar and his connection to a dark wizard. _ Facing adversity in the deep south, this character taught us the meaning of courage and empathy. _ Known for her self-reliance and sharp tongue, this character navigated love and survival during the American Civil War. _ Surrounded by high-tech gadgets and burdened with a mission to save his dystopian society, this character symbolizes hope. _ A small person with a love for riddles and one ring to bind them, his journey is nothing short of epic. _ Endowed with an infectious laugh and a unique umbrella, this nanny is practically perfect in every way. _ Remember, no single trait defines a character entirely. It's the combination of traits, their experiences, and their interactions that create a fully realized character in literature. Now, let's start the game and see how well you know your literary characters!
  • Elaboration

    Introduction to Character Analysis Worksheet What is Character Analysis? Character analysis is the process of examining how characters in a story interact, evolve, and relate to each other. It involves looking into a character's traits, motivations, changes they go through, and how they affect the story and other characters. Key Terms: Protagonist: The main character of the story who drives the plot forward. Antagonist: The character who opposes the protagonist and creates conflict. Side Characters: Additional characters who add depth to the story but are not central to the plot. Character Traits: Descriptive attributes that illustrate who a character is. Motivations: Reasons behind a character's behaviors and decisions. Changes: How a character grows or transforms throughout the story. Relationships: How characters interact with and relate to one another. Character Analysis Chart Character Name: _ Role in Story: [ ] Protagonist [ ] Antagonist [ ] Side Character Key Traits: What words would you use to describe the character? What are the character's strengths and weaknesses? Motivations: What are the character’s main goals or desires? Why does the character do what they do? Changes: How does the character evolve throughout the story? What events lead to these changes? Relationships: How does the character interact with others? How do these relationships affect the plot? Notes for Group Discussion Write down key points from your group conversation regarding character analysis: _ _ _ _ _ Remember to discuss and compare your findings with your group. Each character in the story contributes to the narrative in a unique way, and understanding them can reveal deeper meanings and themes. Please complete this worksheet during the next 30 minutes as you analyze your assigned short story. Each group member should focus on one character and then share their findings with the group. Your group will present the most interesting insights from your discussion.
  • Activity

    Character Analysis Skit Presentation Template Title Slide Literary Work: [Name of the literary work] Presented By: [Group Member Names] Introduction Slide Setting the Scene: [Briefly describe the setting and context of the skit] Character Profile Slide: Character 1 Character Name: [Insert Character Name] Key Traits: [List the key traits of the character] Motivations: [What motivates this character?] Changes Throughout the Story: [How does the character evolve?] Relationships with Other Characters: [Describe the character's relationships] Dialogue Preview: [Provide a snippet of dialogue highlighting an important moment for this character] Character Profile Slide: Character 2 (Repeat the same structure as Character 1) Character Profile Slide: Character 3 (Repeat the same structure for subsequent characters as needed) Conclusion Slide Character Analysis Reflection: [What have we learned about these characters?] Group's Final Thoughts: [The group shares their insights and conclusions] Skit Directions Use the character profile slides to develop your skit dialogue and scenarios. Your skit should include a clear beginning, middle, and end that showcases the characters' key traits, motivations, changes, and relationships. Feel free to use quotes from the text when they illustrate character analysis. Be creative! Props, costumes, and visual aids can enhance your presentation. (To find props and costume inspiration, a suggested Google search could be "[character name] costume ideas" or "DIY [text title] props" ) Practice your skit to ensure smooth delivery and timing. Rubric for Group Presentation Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Improvement (2) Unsatisfactory (1) Understanding of Character Analysis Deep understanding showcased Good understanding showed Understanding is clear Understanding is vague or incomplete Lacks understanding Creativity & Engagement Highly creative and engaging Creative with good engagement Some creativity and engagement Minimal creativity or engagement Lacks creativity and engagement Clarity Ideas clearly articulated Mostly clear ideas Ideas are somewhat clear Ideas not clear enough Ideas are unclear Collaboration Excellent group work Good group cooperation Adequate group work Poor group cooperation No collaboration Groups will be evaluated based on this rubric. Aim for excellence in all areas for the highest score.
  • Consolidation

    Reflection Discussion on Character Analysis Guiding Questions for Class Discussion: How has your understanding of character analysis changed after today's activities? Why is character analysis important in the study of literature? What are some key traits or motivations you have noticed in characters from today's presentations? How do character relationships impact the development of a story? Can you give an example of how a character changed throughout the story and why it was significant? Reflection Discussion Instructions: Please consider the questions above. We will go through each question one by one, and every student is expected to contribute at least once with their insights or personal understanding. This is an open discussion aimed at reflecting on what we've learned through today's lesson and group presentations. You may take notes during the discussion to help you organize your thoughts and share them more effectively. Discussion Notes Space: Use the space below to jot down any thoughts or insights that come to you during the discussion. #### Question 1 Notes: #### Question 2 Notes: #### Question 3 Notes: #### Question 4 Notes: #### Question 5 Notes: Remember, there is no right or wrong answer during this reflection period. It's about sharing your perspective and understanding while respecting and considering the viewpoints of your classmates. After the discussion, take a moment to think about how these insights can help you with approaching literature analysis in the future. Teacher's Note: Ready the classroom for a conducive discussion setup. Ensure that every student has a clear view of the guiding questions posted or displayed up-front, and each has space to take notes. The questions will be posed consecutively with enough time allocated to each to allow for thorough and thoughtful responses. The teacher will facilitate the conversation, encouraging quieter students to participate and ensuring that the conversation stays on topic.
  • Homework

    Homework Assignment: Character Analysis Report Name: _ Book Title: _ Due Date: __ Instructions: Choose a character from the book you are currently reading and complete a detailed character analysis report. Use the following sections and guiding questions to analyze your chosen character. Your report should be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font, and 2-3 pages in length. Be sure to support your analysis with evidence from the text. Character Description: Write a brief description of your character, including their physical appearance, personality traits, and role in the story. Is your character the protagonist or antagonist? Character Motivations: What drives your character's actions? What are their goals and desires? Are there any internal or external factors that influence their decisions? Explore their motivations and provide evidence from the text to support your analysis. Character Development: Analyze how your character changes throughout the story. How do they evolve from the beginning to the end? Are there any significant events or experiences that trigger these changes? Reflect on their character development and provide specific examples from the text. Character Relationships: Examine your character's relationships with other main and side characters. How do they interact with others? Are there any conflicts or alliances? How do these relationships affect your character's journey? Discuss the significance of these relationships and provide evidence from the text. Conclusion: Summarize your character analysis and reflect on what you have learned about the character. Explain why their role is significant to the story's overall message or theme. Provide a thoughtful conclusion to your report. Rubric: Understanding of character analysis concepts Depth of analysis Clarity of writing Use of textual evidence Please refer to the rubric to understand how your report will be graded. Have a great time analyzing your character! Remember to submit your report by the due date. Internet Searches: Google Search: Character Analysis Template Google Search: Character Description Examples Google Search: Character Motivations in Literature Google Search: Character Development in Books Google Search: Analyzing Character Relationships Google Search: How to Write a Conclusion for a Character Analysis Google Search: Rubrics for Character Analysis


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