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Character types


Character types

Character types are the building blocks that make our favorite books, movies and stories come alive.

The protagonist is the story's main character, the character we root for.

The antagonist is the one who opposes the protagonist. They create conflict and keep things interesting.

The foil contrasts with the main character. They highlight each other's qualities. If the hero is brave, the foil might be fearful.

The mentor is a wise and/or experienced character who guides the protagonist. They share knowledge and help the hero grow.

The deuteragonist is not as famous as the protagonist, but still crucial. They have their own storyline.

The love interest captures the protagonist's heart.

Stock characters are like character templates. They fit specific roles, like the funny sidekick or the grumpy neighbor. They're familiar and predictable.

The confidant is the trusted friend; the one the protagonist confides in.

Match the character type with the correct definition.

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