Role cards
This worksheet gives you pre-designed role cards for different topics
Historical Figures
Background knowledge and exercises.
Applying for a job
Part of our series "Applying for a job": The Cover Letter
All Worksheets
Timelines of historical events
Get a timeline that helps understand historical events, the people involved and their motives.
Essay writing - writing an introduction
Learn different ways of writing a catchy introduction
Fiche de compréhension écrite de niveau B2
Friendship can be everywhere!
narrator - reliability and focalization
Learn about reliable and unreliable narrators and focalization
A2 Textverständnis
Climate Zones of the Earth
In this worksheet, your students will learn about the different climate zones of the Earth. They will analyze the climate zones of three places of residence based on reports and, in the end, classify their own place of residence into a climate zone.
B1 Reading Comprehension
Practice using participles
Transitive and intransitive verbs
Practice how to use transitive and intransitive verbs
Exit ticket: real world connection
Ask your students to connect what they learned today to the real world
The Greenhouse Effect
Use this worksheet to teach your students about the greenhouse effect and focus on one greenhouse gas specifically to look at its effects on climate change.