Customize, Edit, Personalize and Download.<br></br>Over 10+ ai generated exercises.
Sorting processes
Create a task where your students have to put chemical processes in the correct order.
Create an essay writing task including feedback on a topic of your choice.
Create flashcards on a topic of your choice. The difficulty levels stand for: Easy = simple explanations, Normal = explanations for students and Hard = definition of the term.
Questions with sample solutions
Create questions with sample solutions on a topic of your choice.
Crossword puzzle
Create a crossword puzzle to match your lesson content.
Erstelle eine Mindmap passend zu deinen Unterrichtsinhalten.
Mulitple Choice
Multiple choice exercises on a topic of your choice.
Create a table on a topic of your choice. Tip to influence the table design your personalization for example like this: Separation method - table header: name, principle, examples
Create texts
Create a text on a topic of your choice.
True or false?
Create tasks in which your students have to classify statements as true or false.
Find the Words
Create a find the words puzzle with matching words to your lesson content.